Thursday, August 5, 2010

Part 1: Some of my Favorite quotes from the Anita Blake Series by Laurell K. Hamilton

Assuming the Worst was always safer. And usually truer.

He could be mine: lock, stock and fangs.

We're all creatures of light and darkness. Embracing your darness won't kill the light. Goodness is stronger than that.

Sometimes you deal with the devil not because you want to, but because if you don't, someone else will.

Sometimes love makes you selfish. Sometimes it makes you stupid. Sometimes it reminds you why you love your gun.

Neither love nor evil conquors all, but evil cheats more.

Bad necromancer, no cookie.

The dead are my specialty.
I wasn't feeling very special tonight.

Was it just me, or are people really this confusing?

The truth may not set you free, but used carefully, it can confuse the hell out of your enemies.

Try to do a good deed and it bites you on the ass.

Funny, what turns out to be the lesser evil some nights.

Sometimes it's not the light in a person that you fall in love with, but the dark. Sometimes it's not the optimist you need, but another pessimist to walk beside you and know, absolutely know, that the sound in the dark is a monster, and it really is as bad as you think.

the monster under the bed wasn't just real,
 but it was holding a grudge.

But sometimes, when you're really scared, illusion is all you've got. Cling to it, baby, cling to it.

We aren't the good guys. We're the necessary guys. -Edward

Sometimes the things I do for this job worry me.

In a heat so hot it made it hard to breathe, I shivered.

Living Vampire, Serial Killer; po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

excerpt of Anita and Nathaniel:
"I noticed you don't disagree that I'm being an ass."
He Laughed. "You don't like it when I lie."
I stared at him for a second, mouth open, then I went back to staring at traffic. "I can't believe you said that."
He was laughing so hard that our hands jiggled up and down on his leg. "Neither can I." He said.

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