Monday, August 9, 2010


Music. Its been apart of me my entire life. From the cute antics of a child to a smoldering passion that I was too shy to truly explore while in high school that has stayed with me that I am finally bringing out into the full light of day.
It started with a shipboard choir when I was on deployment with the Navy. I was one of three sopranos and the only one willing albeit reluctantly to take the solo parts of a couple of songs that people wanted sung for Easter Sunday. I performed those plus one of my own, all a Capella. I had a CD for mine but it broke and there wasn't time to get a new one. I am told I did well. I have a copy of the performance, but I still haven't brought myself to watch it. 

Time passed again, quite a few years actually still sang while listening sometimes, then I made some new friends and they took me out to karaoke with them. A whole new world opened up to me. I actually am now able to get up in front of people both that I know and do not know and sing into a microphone. This is coming from the girl who had such stage fright I couldn't do a 5 minute offering reading and prayer above a whisper while staring rigidly at the podium at church when she was 12. When that I happened I decided that I wasn't going to let that be my story. I proceeded to join the speech team at school and the drama club at church. I started out with extemporaneous reading (a random selection from a book) and did mostly Mimes with drama. I was really good with the mimes (they where set to music). 

I learned piano when I was about 10 and the alto saxophone for the school band. I haven't kept up with either but I'll pick the alto sax if you ask which I like better. I have more connection, flow if you will with it. Singing though has always been my passion. I guess thats enough for now. Please feel free to ask questions and comment on this or any of my postings.

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